ArtCrystal Tomeš s.r.o.
Headquarters and Showroom:
Palackeho 3145/41 (JBX building)
46601 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic
ID: 04517091
VAT: CZ04517091
The company is registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem under file No. C 36473
Company showroom - Jablonec nad Nisou (CZ)
Showroom opening hours:
Monday through Friday: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
First Saturday of every month: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
For a personalized experience, appointments with our sales representative can be scheduled outside these hours:
Sales officer for English speaking
Sarka Novakova
T: +420 739 551 115
Do you have a trip to Prague?
Here you can see more than 300 of our chandeliers in the Máj department store.
Want to see crystal chandeliers with your own eyes? Come and take a look!
Máj department store
Národní 63/26
110 00 Nové Město, Prague (CZ)
MON-SUN 10.00-22.00 hod.
Dealership on site from November 2024
Tel: +420 777 041 045
Official Mongolian partner
Dunjingarav 60, 11 khoroo, Khan-Uul district
Ulaanbaatar 17029
Чех Болор абажур – Google Maps
Bolorsuvd Budragchaa
Cooperation in Spain - AndalArts Studio
Andalusia, Málaga 29639
Costa del Sol, Spain
Chalotte B. René Nielsen
cofounder & creative CEO
Tel.: +34 636 675 809