What is light, how does it spread and what are its types

Přidáno: 31. 10. 2021 15:16:49

31 Říjen 2021

Most life on Earth could not exist without it, and we get 95% of our information about the world around us from it, yet almost no one knows what light actually is. This article will remedy that - and explain its nature, how it propagates, and introduce all types of not only classical visible light, but other types of electromagnetic radiation as well. And don't worry, we'll be brief. We're going to fly through it almost to the speed of light.

What is light, how does it spread and what are its types

What is light


What is light?

The nature of light is very complex. It is therefore not surprising that the greatest scholars of their time could not agree on it. René Descartes and Isaac Newton thought it was a stream of particles smaller than atoms. Robert Hooke and Christiaan Huygens saw it as a wave. In the end, both camps were right. Light is both at the same time.

Sometimes it behaves like a block of tiny particles that we call photons. They have no mass and are the only particles in the universe that can travel at the highest possible speed. The speed of light. Other times, it's like a wave with its own frequency and wavelength. This phenomenon is known as light dualism.

So, from a physical point of view, light is transverse electromagnetic waves of a narrow wavelength region, which also manifest as a flow of photons. And because photons enable the transmission of electric and magnetic forces, we can also call light electromagnetic radiation.

How does light spread?

However, the final resolution of the question of light propagation from the point of view of classical physics did not come until the 19th century, when the so-called Huygens principle came into force. According to this principle, light propagates by means of wavefronts. Every place the wave reaches becomes the centre of an elementary spherical wave. And the resulting wavefront is the envelope of the elementary wavefronts.

Light sources

Light is propagated by light sources. This is the name given to any body in which light originates and from which it emanates into the surroundings. We divide them into natural and artificial.

Natural sources include, for example, the sun, stars, the moon, fire, lightning and glowing lava. Artificial, i.e. man-made, includes light bulbs, fluorescent lamps, discharge lamps or light-emitting diodes.

Optical environment

The propagation of light is also affected by the properties of the optical environment, i.e. the medium in which it occurs. This can be:

  • Transparent
    A transparent optical medium transmits light without significant attenuation so that we can see through it.

  • Opaque
    An opaque environment does not transmit light; it absorbs or reflects it, so we cannot see it.

  • Translucent
    A translucent environment lets light through but scatters it in all directions, causing us to see only some of it.

What are the types of light?

Light is far from just what we see with our eyes. What forms can it take? And what are they good for? Let's take it one step at a time. Starting with the longest wavelength.

What are the types of light


Radio waves and microwaves

Electromagnetic waves larger than 1 mm are referred to as radio waves and microwaves. The former transmit, for example, TV, radio or wi-fi signals, while the latter are used in ovens and radar. Wi-fi networks and microwave ovens have almost the same frequency, which is why your internet can sometimes slow down while your food is heating up.

Infrared radiation

Infrared radiation has waves smaller than 1 mm. This is emitted by all heat sources. So do people. That's why with an infrared camera you can see all living things even in complete darkness. Near-infrared light in the 700 to 1000 nm range is widely used in regeneration. It penetrates deeper into the body and has a healing effect on the tissues, thereby promoting muscle health and the body's recovery processes. Mid- and far-infrared light is contained in infrared saunas.

Visible light

Wavelengths in the range of 380-740 nm are called visible light. This part of the electromagnetic spectrum produces visual sensation when it hits the photoreceptors of the human eye. These are the so-called spectral colours - red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet.


Visible light


The same color as the rainbow. And even in the same order, because the rain breaks down the sunlight into individual colours according to wavelengths. But there are also non-spectral colours (white, grey, black, pink, turquoise) which are created by mixing the spectral ones.

UV radiation

We can't see waves below 380 nm again. The violet colour transitions smoothly into UV, with UltraViolet meaning "above violet". This light can already be dangerous to a greater extent. That's why we apply sunscreen and protect our eyes with UV-filtered sunglasses. Interestingly, birds and reptiles can see this light, so they can easily read messages written in invisible ink. :-) But the rest of us need special tools to do this.


Electromagnetic waves below 10 nm are known as X-rays, which are used to scan the human body for possible fractures and breaks. The reason for this is simple - it contains a lot of energy, which means it can pass through things that ordinary light cannot. Like soft tissue. It hits the bones and bounces off them, so we can see the detail of the skeleton in the resulting images.

Gamma rays

Waves smaller than 10 pm are known as gamma rays. Their frequency is only slightly smaller than the diameter of atoms and they are produced, for example, during radioactive decay, when the nucleus of an atom needs to get rid of excess energy. Gamma rays are extremely dangerous and only a really, really thick layer of lead will provide sufficient protection against them. This includes cosmic radiation, which can be produced during a nuclear explosion, but fortunately this danger is pacified by the atmosphere, so we are not in danger.

Discover the beauty of light

We often take light for granted, even though it is one of the most precious commodities in the universe. It gives us life, health, information, entertainment, happiness and the opportunity to experience the beauty of the world around usDiscover it for yourself. In its crystal clear form.




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Sarka Novakova

 Šárka Nováková
 T: +420 739 551 115

 M: novakova@artcrystal.cz

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  • Wilco, Winterswijk, NL

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Hello Sarka, The package has arrived safely. Your colleagues are very good at secure packaging! The lamps are beautiful and i will be enjoying them for a very long time. Thank you for the excellent service, and until my next order. Kind regards, Wilco.
  • Emma, Tallin, Estonia

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Dear Sarka, I received the parcel, everything is all right. The chandelier successfully reached it's destination. I am so happy! It is so beautiful, just as I imagined it to be, or perhaps even better :) All my gratitude to ArtCrystal for a quick fullfillment of the order. And of course to you, dear Sarka for helping with it! Hope to order again soon. My kindest regards, Emma.
  • Sandra, Klaipėda, Lithuania

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Hello Sarka, Just a quick email to say thank you for our gorgeous chandelier! My mum has now had it hanged on the ceiling, complete with all the crystals, and she can't take her eyes off it. She was also very impressed with how well everything was polished and packaged, and the overall efficiency and organisation of the transaction. Very happy customers, thank you!
  • Kate Nielsen, Frederikshavn, DK

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Hello Sarka, we have recevided the chandelier yesterday, and thank for a good treatment and teamwork. We are looking forward to see the chandelier when we have placed it. The other chandelier is beautiful, and we are very happy with it, and satisfied. Have a nice weekend. Kind Regards.
  • Jonas Hansen, Oslo, Norway

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Hello Mrs. Novakova! Thank you and thanks also to Mr. Tomes for almost excellent delivery of your nice chandelier to Oslo, to my son. He is the musician and music teacher and therefore is that nice for him to have such beautiful light source just over his lovely instrument. Have a nice day. Sincerely
  • Slava, Ireland

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Hi Šárka, I received the chandelier yesterday. It looks amazing and I'm very happy with it. I would like to thank you for your service and hope to have business with you in the future. Thank you and kind regards, Slava.
  • Janet Williams, Rotherham, GB

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Dear Sarka, It has been a pleasure buying them off you. So glad as they are the prettiest for my size room they make me smile when I look at them. Will recommend you to everyone here .Thank you so much Sarka it has been a pleasure. Take care. Kind regards
  • Elisa Palmieri, Sassari, Italy

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Dear Sarka! We received today the parcel. A good news. Everything is fine. It is really beautiful set. Special thanks to you as a professional. It was a pleasure to communicate. Thank you and wish a good business. Best regards
  • Pinar, Bursa,Turkey

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Thank you very much Sarka, While ordering online, i was suspicious about the quality, conditions. I received today my chandelier and hung it already. It is gorgeous. Thank you very much. It definetly changed the ambiance of the entrance of my home. See you soon again.
  • Emily Clarke, Sheffield, GB

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Dear Sarka, thank you. We have assembled one of the chandeliers and it is BEAUTIFUL. Thank you so much for all your help. You have been fabulous.
  • Harriet L., Puissalicon, FRA

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Dear Lenka, It's here and in position! It's amazing! My mum is 'over the moon... Absolutely thrilled... It's beautiful ..' She says. When I can I will send you a photo... Thank you so much for everything. We will be buying another 2 next year! Probably different ones. Your service was impeccable.
  • Maria Salimeni, Stuttgart, DE

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Dear Lenka, yesterday the second big chandelier is arrived. Everything is perfect and we are very happy about such a good quality, nothing is broken or damaged. Thank you very much!!! Now, i am surching for the next one for my sleeping room. Kind regards.
  • Alex Durand, Paris

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Dear Mr.Tomes, herewith I would like to thank you and your company that your chandeliers lighted up my château in Paris. They perfectly stress the ambience of the whole château. I´m satisfied with your company cooperation. I can say: "Amazing chandeliers, perfect services.
  • Helen Cheung, Singapore

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Dear Lenka, I received the chandelier today! That's super fast!!! Thanks for the nice packaging, everything is in perfect condition! I admire the beauty of this chandelier! I love it!!! Thanks again and I wish I would purchase more from you in the future!Kind Regards.
  • Virginija, Vilnius, Lithuania

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Good afternoon, many thanks for the quick delivery and a beautiful table lamp. It suits the room perfectly. Stay healthy and creative. With the best wishes from Lithuania.
  • Joanne Mifsud, Mqabba, Malta

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Dear Lenka, I would like to let you know that we received the chandeliers yesterday evening. We are still putting them together, but everything has arrived perfectly, and the pieces are very beautiful. I would like to thank you for everything and it has been a pleasure doing business with you! Thanks again :)
  • Małgorzata Wujcik, Płock, PL

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Good afternoon, We have just received the order and my boss is really happy with high quality product, packaging and fast delivery :). As for me thank you for good cooperation and I wish good luck to you and company.
  • Mocrac Natalia, Kishinev

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Dear Miss Lenka, we received our chandeliers and we would like to thank you for cooperation with you. The chandeliers are very nice and elegant.We are glad that we made the right choice and ordered chandelier in your factory. Perhaps later we again turn to you. Best wishes.
  • Hassiba Mohammad, London, GB

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Dear Mr.Tomes. I hope you are well, I would like to thank you for the lovely and a beautiful chandeliers. Really they are a piece of art. Every peice of them are made perfectly. Even your wrapping, packaging are wonderful, no damaged piece was found. As I said every single work was at high standard. Great thanks.
  • Dorothy Zander, Gurnee, Illinois

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    The chandeliers was packaged very carefully and arrived in excellent condition. It is truly beautiful and I will display it proudly in my living room. Thank you for a quality product, superior customer service and pleasant online shopping experience. With kindest regards.
  • Ryszard Sznajder, Warszawa, PL

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Dear Mr.Tomes, hereby I confirm receiving the ordered chandelier which seems to be OK.Thank you very much for Your excellent cooperation. Best regards.
  • Jonas Hansen, Oslo, Norway

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Halo Mrs. Novakova! Thank you and thanks also to Mr. Tomes for almost excellent delivery of your nice chandelier to Oslo, to my son. He is the musician and music teacher and therefore is that nice for him to have such beautiful light source just over his lovely instrument. Have a nice day.
  • Karolina, Pécs, Hungary

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Hi Sarka, many thanks for the info provided. Shopping from you has been a real pleasure, an exceptional buyers journey as your customer service is second to none! Well done and thank you! Best regards
  • Mandeep and Mala, Singapore

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Hello, the whole process was super smooth. From the deposit, the final payment, the delivery. Sarka kept us fully informed. Hundred of pieces of glass and not one crack or breakage. The final product was totally beyond our expectations. Very, very beautiful.
  • Fatemeh Ansari, Copenhagen, DK

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Hello Hana, I want to say thank you again for your service and treatment. I received my package today and everything was perfect. Thank you very much.
  • Mantas Sakalauskas, Lithuania

    Hodnocení: 5 / 5
    Everything went smoothly since placing an order. Finally after receiving item, it was more then easy to install due really great instructions. We are astonished and convinced, it was the best we could buy, very happy. Special Thanks to Sarka Novakova for the support.

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